New Year Gala Concert
An Evening Ententely Cordiale
At the Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton
Friday 17th January 2020 at 7.30pm
Come and enjoy a great start for the New Year!
There will be a melange of items from many composers including Holst, Vaughan Williams, Berlioz and Delibes.

The evening will be hosted by the inimitable David Foster, musician and raconteur of renown. To provide a truly French/English soiree we are proud to present Louise Le Boutillier, the superb operatic contralto and Kay and Trevor Hedges of ‘Rapsquillion’ fame giving us French arias and English folk song. Aussi professeur Chris Lacy flautist extraordinaire.
“This will be our fourth two-yearly concert and the Orchestra look forward to seeing you again”.
John Hughes, Conductor.
For your further enjoyment, and included in your ticket will be a glass of French wine or soft drink and also a petite patisserie (baked by Mr Bun).
Tickets Adult £12, Child £6 obtainable from Burway Books, John Thomas Florist, Church Stretton T.C. Office or on line here
For more information please ‘phone 01694 720132
Mike Walker